Virtual Primary Care

The Magic of Music as An Intervention for Dementia

As we begin to transition into the fall months and start to spend more time inside, I’d like to explore Dementia. As the Director of Behavioral Health here at Lyric Health At some point in our lives, almost everyone will be touched by Alzheimer’s disease, either by knowing or caring for someone who has it […]

National Suicide Prevention Month

With September being Suicide Prevention Month, as the Director of Behavioral Health here at Lyric Health  this is the perfect and a poignant opportunity to address one of the most important issues facing our society today, suicide! According to the Centers for Disease Control, suicide rates increased approximately 36% between 2000–2021. Suicide was responsible for […]

Importance of Leaders Fostering RESPECT in the Workplace

This month I’d like to explore RESPECT in the workplace.  As the Director of Behavioral Health here at Lyric Health there is much talk about Quiet Quitting, and most recently the newer trend of Loud Quitting, each of these trends often comes down to common RESPECT in the workplace.  In her timeless version of the […]

Summer SAD

This month as your mental health resident Doctor here at Lyric Health, I want to discuss a mood disorder that usually occurs in the late fall and winter months when it is colder and there is less sunlight. Symptoms include: However, Winter SAD may begin to lessen or go away during spring and summer, because […]

A New Public Health Crisis; Loneliness!

Recently, the Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy released an advisory about the devastating impact of The Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation. In it, he revealed that though the pandemic has contributed to loneliness, half of US adults reported experiencing loneliness, even before the pandemic. He determined that loneliness and isolation results in a disconnection that affects […]

The Importance and Benefits of a Psychologically Safe Workspace

In my practice and as Director of Psychology at Lyric Health, in my classrooms, I often explain to the students that we are in a psychologically safe space. I feel the need to tell them this because they usually do not answer my lecture questions for fear of giving the wrong answer and being embarrassed […]